What does the perfect training plan include?
A well designed program that promotes CONSISTENCY. Have a plan and choose to be disciplined.
At least 2 strength sessions a week to maintain muscle mass, protect your bones and joints, improve muscular endurance, improve your overall durability.
Lots of food! If your goal is to run fast and feel resilient, your perfect plan will include an abundance of calories to sustain your efforts.
Nutritionally-dense food. While it’s key to ingest more food as we train intensely; it’s equally important to focus on foods that nourish our bodies and help our muscles HEAL. Focus heavily on protein! 1 gram per lb of bodyweight. Protein is what allows for muscle recovery and growth. But, still focus on more calories and quantities of every macronutrient: fats, carbs, proteins.
Rest. The perfect plan has at least 1 full rest day a week (if not more)! Furthermore, it emphasizes sleep (7-9 hours) and resting throughout your day, especially in the 2 weeks leading up to the race. Also, a focus on cross-training, especially for injury-prone individuals, is essential. Instead of only running, consider mixing in alternative methods of cardio.
An 80/20 approach: 80% in Zone 2, 20% in Zone 5. Zone 2 is when we improve our aerobic base (for longer miles) and create more mitochondria for energy. It also teaches our bones, joints and muscles to withstand longer endurance movement. Zone 5 improves our VO2 max and speed.
Hydration and electrolytes! Do not skimp on your water OR your electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium). As active individuals, who sweat a lot, we lose these powerful sources of movement!
Progression. Any solid plan will focus on increasing your overall mileage over time as well as your overall strength. If we don’t progress, we don’t improve.
Coaching. It’s hard to know if we’re training well without feedback–a great coach helps steer you in the right direction.
Recovery. It’s key to focus on recovery methods as we train: rolling out, icing, stretching, post-workout meals, etc. Take the necessary steps to ensure we heal appropriately!
Need more tips? I’m a great resource and can coach you to success. Set up a consultation or shoot me an email or DM (emily@knightfitfast.com, @knight__fit on Instagram).