What happens when we lose muscle?

When we lose muscle…


Our metabolism slows down: muscle requires more energy at rest than fat. When we lose muscle, our metabolism falls along with it.


Our blood sugar becomes less regulated: muscle is the #1 way sugar is stored in the body (for later activity); when we have less muscle, sugar is sent into the bloodstream instead, increasing your risk of diabetes, weight gain, obesity, cardiac problems, etc.


We put on fat: without muscle, ingested carbs are stored as fat.


Our bones and joints weaken: bones are strengthened when muscle is present. When we don’t have muscle, our movement is limited and our bones begin to weaken and become less dense, heightening our risk of bone diseases and injury. Furthermore, our joints become more susceptible to injury, too.


Our hormones are irregular: the release of testosterone and growth hormone occurs through resistance training and muscle growth. When we let our muscles weaken, our testosterone and growth hormones become irregular and we begin to weaken as a whole. Other hormones also become less regulated.


We lose our sex-drive: muscle allows us to flourish because it requires optimal body function, optimal hormones and an overall active body. When we begin to lose muscle, all other bodily systems begin to shut-down in tandem and our overall vitality and zeal plummets.


We become less able: muscle is the driver of all physical activity. When we lack muscle, we lack the energy and ability to MOVE! You begin to say “no” to more activities.


We slow down cognitively: muscle has been tied to improved cognitive performance due to the stimulation of the hippocampus in the brain when resistance training. Low muscle mass has been tied to low cognitive performance.


We lose motivation: working toward muscle growth requires discipline, dedication and effort; when we don’t work on ourselves physically, we become complacent and begin to lose drive. Working on being healthy requires WORK, which makes you are more engaged and tough human being.


We feel less confident: muscle growth has long been tied to overall confidence and body-image.


So much more. Muscle is the KEY to a long, happy, active and exciting life. Take action now and avoid the pitfalls of muscle loss.

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