Why you need to run EASY

man jogging on a gravel road

Easy runs are SO vital. The latest research tells us that it’s easy runs that truly establish our aerobic base. We have two different energy producing systems in the body: anaerobic or aerobic. The aerobic system uses oxygen to create ATP (energy). When we run easy, we improve our aerobic system and our body’s ability to use oxygen for energy at a faster rate. The aerobic energy system is used much more and for much longer–so it’s key to improve it to see running results.


Easy runs:

1.generate more mitochondria (energy producing cells) for exercise

2.create more capillaries in the muscles

3.improve blood flow to the muscles (more oxygen to the muscles)

4.enhance your muscles ability to use oxygen for energy

5.allow for recovery from harder runs

6.allow for mental fatigue to improve

7.are joyful!


If we skipped easy runs, our overall endurance wouldn’t improve. Easy runs are a vital part of the running process!

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