You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to show up. Progress over perfection, always.
There’s something to be said about the people that show up, regardless of the results, how they’re feeling, how the day is—they’re just always there, grinding and giving it their all. It’s important to take a step back and look at the entire picture and remember just where you’ve come. Progress over time, don’t rush.
Fall in love with the process, not the results. Take a step back, look how far you’ve come, remember all it took to get where you are, and be proud. Fall in love with that feeling—the progress you’ve made—and let it empower you to keep going and keep working. In the end it is all about the entire journey, not the end result or the outcome. It is about the process. As Miley Cyrus once sang “It’s The Climb”. As corny as it is, she had a point.
Instead of fixating on every outcome being perfect, or not starting at all in fear of the outcome falling short, fall in love with action. Focus on the “trying”.
Find joy in the journey and I promise you the results will take care of themselves. Keep growing, keep learning, keep improving. That is what it’s all about! The long game.