Why run easy so much? What is easy running? Zones?!

Here’re the facts, guys…


Well, first, what is “easy”? Technically, this is an effort in the infamous “Zone 2”. There’re 5 zones in running and each zone equates a different % of your maximum heart rate AND a different effort.

Zone 1: 50-60% of Max HR

Zone 2: 60-70% of Max HR

Zone 3: 70-80% of Max HR

Zone 4: 80-90% of Max HR (also your threshold zone)

Zone 5: 90-100% of Max HR


Determining your max HR can be tricky as it can actually improve as you become more fit AND your overall fitness can ebb and flow throughout life. The typical theory of “220-age” can be accurate but most often isn’t. However, it can be a good starting place.


So, run your easy runs at ~60-70% of Max HR with the great focus being on how it FEELS! This should be a conversational pace that you can hold for LONG periods! It shouldn’t be strenuous. Try holding a conversation while running–if you can’t, it’s too fast.


When we run easy we grow our aerobic base the MOST. Easy running is when we engage our fat-burning energy systems and teach our bodies to use fat for fuel most efficiently, allowing us to become better fat-burners and to convert it to energy more quickly throughout all training AND racing. Furthermore, this is when we engage the most mitochondria, allowing us to develop more mitochondria in our body and thus produce energy more easily for running (but also for all activities of daily living). Lastly, easy running allows for optimal recovery and also allows us to log more mileage, making us better runners all around. We bounce back from easy runs quickly!


Easy running is CRUCIAL and should make up about 80% of your training.

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