Running for weight loss?

I often get asked about running and weight loss..


The truth is: running can aid in weight loss; however, running often, far and intensely just places extra stress on the body, causes you to be more hungry and enhances fatigue, making weight loss goals incredibly difficult.


The best way to use running for weight loss is to implement 2 runs a week that are low intensity (focus on Zone 2) so that you appropriately target fat usage, enhance your body’s ability to use oxygen to create energy, improve your aerobic base, increase the total number of mitochondria in the body (which creates more energy for all activities of daily living) and to avoid excess fatigue. Then, incorporate 1 shorter session with bursts of speed to kickstart your energy-burning systems, keep the body in a state of calorie burning and to improve your overall VO2 max. Once you have those solid 3 sessions, don’t start piling on more. Instead of using running every single day as a way to “burn calories” implement it in a strategic and steady fashion. 3 runs is a great place to be!


That said, running shouldn’t be at the core of your training if weight loss is the goal. You should absolutely prioritize strength training first. Muscle is the secret to a roaring metabolism, more fat burn, energy improvement, better overall bodily functioning, a sharp mind, healthy hormones and a longer life. If you focus on strength training and add in running, you’re sure to see success.


If you’re wanting to improve as a runner with weight loss not as a goal, you can absolutely start implementing more training or work with a coach (like me) for consistency. With lots of running, you’ll need lots of fueling. That’s why running for performance and weight loss as so substantially different.

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